AdKnowledge, a provider of end-to-end
Web advertising management products, said that SportsLine USA, Inc.,
publisher of CBS SportsLine, has selected the
AdKnowledge System as its Web marketing solution.
SportsLine said it evaluated the AdKnowledge System and two other advertising
solutions over a two-month period, testing the three systems for ease and
accuracy of ad placement, reporting capabilities used to evaluate campaign
results and customer service.
The company wants to convert more people who click on its ads into new paying
members, purchasers of sports merchandise and participants in its popular
fantasy sports leagues.
“The AdKnowledge System makes us more efficient and effective in our banner
decisions,” said Larry Kruguer, vice president of marketing for SportsLine USA. “With its easy-to-use placement tools, the AdKnowledge System
streamlines and simplifies the process of placing creative and ensures that
the correct creative is on the correct site. . .” Financial arrangements were not
The AdKnowledge System includes five components that cover planning, campaign
management, ad placement and tracking, reporting, and post-click tracking and
The system is Web based, so there is no hardware or software to buy or
SportsLine USA’s content includes more than 400,000 pages of multimedia
sports information, entertainment and merchandise.