Newspaper classified ad operation Classified Ventures Inc. signed
The Denver Post to its network of more
than 130 affiliated newspapers.
The Post has launched Classified Ventures service, which simplifies
car shopping on the Internet.
By clicking on on The Denver Post Web
site, local consumers can now search for new and used vehicles from local and
national dealership inventories and Denver Post automotive classified
listings, while accessing a range of other information including financing
and insurance quotes.
The addition of the Denver Post marks the first non-investor affiliate to
join the Classified Ventures network.
Classified Ventures, which was formed
by eight leading media companies, has spent the past year enabling its
investor affiliates with Classified Ventures services.
“Now that we have rolled out over half of our affiliate network we are
increasingly looking at opportunities with non-investor affiliates like The
Denver Post,” said David Israel, Classified Ventures CEO.
The Denver Post said it is also considering additional Classified Ventures
services such as, Auction Universe, HomeHunter and
Classified Ventures was formed by Central Newspapers Inc., Gannett, Knight
Ridder, The McClatchy Co., The New York Times Co., Times Mirror, Tribune Co.
and The Washington Post Co.