Classifieds2000 in Deals with InfoBeat,, Computing Central

Classifieds2000 in Sunnyvale, CA
signed agreements to provide classified ad content and search technology to
InfoBeat, Inc. and Microsoft Computing Central.

These agreements “add to the continued distribution strength of the
Classifieds2000 Network,” which now includes more than 140 Web sites, the
company said. The network enables affiliated Web sites to offer classified ad
content to their users, bringing together buyers and sellers of related goods
and services.

“Partnering with these three sites, all leaders in their respective
categories, gives us the opportunity to provide an even wider audience of
Internet users with resources to help them find a job, buy a car or house, or
rent an apartment,” said Sani El-Fishawy, president and CEO of
Classifieds2000. Financial arrangements were not disclosed.

Computing Central is the computer information site for The Microsoft Network, which offers computer-
focused news, online forums, chat groups and products and services. Through
this arrangement, Classifieds2000 will provide computer hardware and software,
employment and business opportunities classified advertising for Computing

E-mail publisher InfoBeat provides personalized news and information to over 3
million subscribers. Classifieds2000 will provide access to classified ads
from all the InfoBeat products and the InfoBeat home page. In addition,
Classifieds2000 and InfoBeat will jointly develop an e-mail service to notify
InfoBeat subscribers of specific classified ad items as soon as they become
listed., a provider of financial market
information for investors and the financial services industry, will now offer
Classifieds2000 listings, with a focus on employment and business
opportunities, through its homepage.

Classifieds2000, a division of Excite, also said it has also renewed
agreements with several partners including HotMail, Netcom and Erols Inc., a
subsidiary of RCN.

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