An online marketer accused by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of false advertising has been forced by a federal court to
suspend operations.
The London-based company, doing business as TLD Network Ltd., Quantum Management Ltd., and TBS Industries, hawked top-level
domain names like “.Brit” and “.Scot.” The problem is that not only is the firm not an accredited registrar, those top-level domain
names are altogether useless as Web or e-mail addresses, due to the Internet’s naming conventions.
Beginning shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, the company began selling domain names ending in “.USA” — also unusable — from
its site at, which it promoted through unsolicited e-mail titled “Be Patriotic! Register .USA Domains.”
The e-mail themselves promoted “the latest domain name extension … the fresh, new, exciting Web address that is taking the
world by storm.” The messages directed consumers to the site, where they could buy .USA “domain names” for $59.
In late February, the FTC filed a complaint with the U.S. District Court in Illinois against the company’s U.S. operations,
charging deceptive advertising. The agency said TLD/Quantum/TBS Industries violated federal law by not disclosing that the domain
names being sold were not usable on the Internet, and by sending deceptive e-mail ads.
The FTC complaint also names company officers Thomas Goolnik and Edward Harris Goolnik.
This week, the court ordered the closing of the company’s site, forbade the site from being reregistered and
relaunched by domain registrars, and froze the firm’s U.S. assets with an eye to paying back duped consumers. The FTC said it
believes the company made more than $1 million from the scheme.
The FTC said it also had been working with U.K. officials on an investigation into the company’s activities abroad.
“These spam scammers conned consumers in two ways,” said J. Howard Beales, III, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer
Protection. “They sent deceptive spam, and they sold worthless Web addresses from their Web sites. By closing down this operation
we’re sending a strong signal: We will not tolerate deceptive spam.”
The move comes as the FTC is stepping up efforts to stamp out false and deceptive e-mail ads. Last month, the agency settled
with seven e-mail marketers that it had caught running a pyramid scheme. FTC heads have said that it plans to bring still more
fraudulent online marketers to justice in the near future.