In an alliance that enhances Digital
Island‘s position in the streaming banner ad business, ad agency Web Marketing Ltd. has tapped the firm
to host and deliver ad streams to Europe, the US and South Africa.
Like Akamai,
Digital Island is building a network of data centers
and content distributors around the globe, so that ads can be stored closer
to their final destinations — on users’ browsers worldwide. This type of
delivery system is becoming especially crucial as the Internet grows more
global, and as higher-bandwidth technology — like streaming ads — becomes
more common.
“Advertisers are investing heavily in more sophisticated ways of attracting
eyeballs online, and the capacity to serve streaming ads quickly and
non-intrusively is a powerful advantage that Digital Island offers online
advertisers,” said Tim Wilson, vice president of marketing at Digital Island.
Web Marketing, which operates in London and New York and has alliances in
Europe, says most of its clients are multinationals, which makes an ad
delivery system very important to the firm.