One of the largest online campaigns ever conducted by 3Com is being launched by Four Points Digital, a Chicago-based
interactive communications agency.
The “3Com Rocks Your Holidays” promotion was developed as a tie-in with music retailer CDnow to reward purchasers of 48 various 3Com products with a $50 gift certificate to be redeemed online for any of the 300,000 music-related items offered by CDnow. Billings were not disclosed.
Products include Robotics, Megahertz, Sportster, Courier, Bigpicture Video
Phone, OfficeConnect or 3ComImpact items. The $50 CDnow gift certificates can
be used by purchasers themselves or they can designate someone else to receive them.
“The goal in developing this campaign was to increase brand awareness of
3Com products over the holiday selling season,” said Neil Clemmons, vice
president of consumer marketing for 3Com. “We also wanted to give customers a
value-added offer
that has universal appeal. The CDnow tie-in gives us that opportunity to
connect with a wide variety of consumers because music appeals to everyone at
some level.”
The campaign, which runs through Jan. 31, was also designed to introduce
customers to e-commerce and give them the opportunity to explore uses for
their modems beyond e-mail and Web browsing.
The integrated campaign uses elements of branding, promotion and direct
response including media planning, banner advertising and site development,
working with streaming audio, video and animation. The creative will be bought
on portals and
entertainment sites.
“3Com is working to provide consumers with the best online experience. We
wanted to seek environments where we could feature 3Com products in a way that
consumers can immediately see the benefits as it relates to the enjoyment of
their Web experience of music, video playing and other forms of online entertainment,”
said Pete Monkewicz, Four Points Digital president and founding partner.