Gator Fires Back at Pop-Up Lawsuit

Never one to receive a challenge quietly, the controversial Gator
Corporation attacked Dow Jones & Co. , The New
York Times Co. and other major online
publishers that filed a suit against it earlier this week, threatening to file its own counter suit.

The Redwood City, Calif.-based firm came under fire last year for
selling pop-up ads in its browser-add on — ads that appear
unauthorized on Web publishers’ sites. Despite attempts at
reconciliation, that months-long debate reached a head earlier this
week with a number of Web publishers filing suit in a U.S. court in
Virginia, seeking remuneration in the form of all of Gator’s profits.

Now, the firm says it is considering a countersuit for
unspecified claims and damages. Last year, the company sued the
Interactive Advertising Bureau, a New York-based consortium of
online ad sellers, for making “unjust claims” in the media about
Gator’s legality. The company tabled the suit earlier this year in an
apparently short-lived period of détente with Web publishers.

In the meantime, Gator Chief Executive Jeff McFadden criticized
the publishers’ suit, suggesting that it amounted to a
feeble attempt at thwarting a rival ad seller, which serves the ads
of about 400 marketers to roughly 22 million users.

“These plaintiffs either haven’t done their homework, or more
likely are just trying to create a ‘bump in the road’ for Gator as a
competitor for online advertising dollars,” he said. “They want to
slow the momentum of a competitor with a more effective
advertising product that’s winning more business by the day … a
strong and thriving competitor isn’t illegal.”

McFadden added that at least one of the media companies
suing Gator had actually used its services in the past.

“One of the largest plaintiffs actually hired Gator to deliver the
majority of the handful of ads displayed to consumers viewing the
plaintiffs’ Web sites over the past several quarters,” he said. The
site “found it compelling to pay Gator to display its advertising to
consumers while viewing,,, and many other Web sites
operated by most of the other plaintiffs.” He did not elaborate.

McFadden added that fewer than “one third of one percent of
our ads” appear when consumers are viewing the plaintiffs’ sites.

Although the plaintiffs charged Gator with actively targeting the
users of specific highly trafficked sites with pop-ups, McFadden
characterized the suit as prohibitive to any type of window
appearing while consumers surf the Internet.

“This flies in the face of the very nature of the Windows
operating system, and is ridiculous,” he said.

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