LanguageForce Inc. has launched an
ad-backed search portal called that, like, pays members money
to surf the Web.
A free download is available at Like AllAdvantage, the
business model includes a multilevel marketing-like referral program. said it pays each member 40 cents an hour while they are online
surfing the Internet with the browser. In addition, each member
earns a referral fee for each hour his or her referrals stay online.
“Today’s Internet is an explosively growing global community,” said Ian
Simpson, CEO and co-founder of LanguageForce Inc. “ is the next
Internet revolution. We reward our members by paying them for surfing the
World Wide Web and referring new members to our global search portal and
browser. This is a win-win situation for everyone.”
The GoToWorld browser has a dollar sign in the upper right hand corner that
activates and deactivates sponsored advertising messages.
The Global Messenger allows users anywhere in the world to
instantly communicate between languages by using the LanguageForce Universal
Translator plug-ins.