Beyond Interactive’s Darian Heyman has been named Team Leader of the
Professional Development Subcommittee for FAST (Future of Advertising Stakeholders),
the industry group dedicated to accelerating the development and increased use
of online advertising.
He said the group will seek to “add value in an industry that lacks a solid
infrastructure and proper standards.”
“Because the Internet is the most accountable medium ever, we are held to a
higher standard, which means we have to perform as professionals at a higher
level than our counterparts in other media,” said Heyman, who is San
Francisco-based Beyond Interactive’s vice president of
business development.
Among the initiatives Heyman announced are:
- To personally organize a focus group of seven online media buyers, seven
sellers and one intermediary to provide the group with starting points for
development of a new Employers Guide, List of Educational Resources,
Conference/Event Calendar, and an outline of the basics of Web advertising
considerations. - Complete three projects already started by the subcommittee: a Buyers
Guide, a Sellers Guide and a Web Advertising Glossary. - Develop a list of educational resources to provide a solid foundation of
knowledge and point Web ad professionals in the right direction for detailed
information. - Compile a list of the various Internet-marketing related non-profit