July Internet Ad Index Up 7.4 Percent

Internet advertising to home users increased 7.4 percent in July compared to
June, according to the Internet Advertising Index from Nielsen//NetRatings.

This compares to June’s increase of 3.9 percent, which resulted in an overall
growth of 11.6 percent from May to July. The Internet Advertising Index for
July is 116.

Advertising activity for July shows the top 10 advertisers accounted for 30.3
percent of Nielsen//NetRatings-measured Internet advertising. In June, the
top 10 advertisers accounted for 28.1 percent of measured Internet
advertising. Microsoft was the leading
advertiser in July, accounting for 8.4 percent of such advertising

Top Advertisers in July were:

Advertiser Share of Impressions (percent of total)
1. Microsoft 8.4%
2. Amazon 4.5
3. TRUSTe 3.2
4. America Online 2.5
5. Next Card 2.4
6. CDNOW 2.0
7. LinkExchange 1.8
8. Ad Council 1.8
9. Yahoo! 1.8
10. Discover Brokerage 1.7

The Nielsen//NetRatings Home Internet Advertising Index is based on data from
approximately 15,000 panelists as they surf the Web.

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