Net Perceptions, Mediaplex Team Up

Real-time personalization company Net Perceptions and e-business
marketing and technology company Mediaplex Inc. said they are teaming up
to improve ROI on both Web site personalization spending and online
advertising dollars.

Harnessing Net Perceptions’ collaborative-filtering capabilities and
Mediaplex’s ad-serving technology linked to an advertiser’s enterprise data,
mutual clients of Net Perceptions and Mediaplex can now deliver messaging
that is most relevant to any particular set of customers in real time across
all campaign sites, the companies said.

Financial arrangements were not disclosed.

Net Perceptions’ Realtime Recommendation Platform makes individual purchase
recommendations to custom-fit each site visitor by identifying observed and
inferred preferences and comparing them to all other customers with similar

When a customer comes to a site that is Net Perceptions-enabled,
the Realtime Recommendation engine selects an advertiser’s product or service
that has the highest likelihood of being purchased by that individual.

Mediaplex’s mobile Java objects (MOJO) platform then receives the
recommendation. The MOJO technology has the capability to integrate an
advertiser’s back-end data, such as inventory availability or pricing, to
that advertiser’s online advertising, delivering the most relevant message.

“MOJO ensures that the product or service recommended by Net Perceptions is
actually available, and available at a promotional price, if applicable,”
said Ashu Goel, Mediaplex’s vice president of strategic planning.

“The Net Perceptions-Mediaplex integrated solution is designed to deliver a
significantly higher rate of conversion to sales because it allows Internet
retailers to market on a true real-time, one-to-one basis,” said Steve
Larsen, Net Perceptions’ senior vice president.

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