Online measurement company NetRatings said eWallet
led the list of top 10 banner ads viewed for the week of Dec. 13-19, OfficeMax/Aptiva for the
week of Dec. 20-26 and CatalogLink for the week ending Jan. 2.
The list for the week ending Dec. 19:
- eWallet: Type in your name and address ONCE for the rest of your life.
- CatalogLink: Holiday Alert: hundreds of FREE catalogs!
- CatalogLink: CatalogLink transforms your den into holiday shopping headquarters.
- Bonzi Software: Speed Boost Speed Up Your Internet Connection!
- Bonzi Software: Speed up your Internet connection
- LowestFare: Save 20% on a major airline! Cheap Airfares!
- Barnes and Noble: Get Disney’s Winnie the Pooh books at
- LowestFare: Just Cheap Airfares! Save 20% on a major airline! Discount Cruises, Budget
Vacations, Affordable Getaways.
- wrapped and ready gifts
- FTD Flowers: Win Free Flowers!
For the week of Dec. 20-26, 1998, top banners were:
- Office Max: Purchase an IBM Aptiva computer and receive up to 300 in rebates!
- LowestFare: No Auctions, No Bids. Save 20% on a major airline! Discount Cruises, Budget
Vacations, Affordable Getaways
- CatalogLink: Holiday Alert: hundreds of FREE catalogs!
- CatalogLink: CatalogLink transforms your den into holiday shopping headquarters
- LowestFare: Save 20% on a major airline! Cheap Airfares!
- eWallet: Type in your name and address ONCE for the rest of your life.
- Bonzi Software: Speed Up Your Internet Connection
- 1800 Flowers: Be a Romantic. . .Today
- Bonzi Software: Play Talking E-Mail
- CDnow: Shop CDnow Find Gifts in 60 Seconds
For the week of Dec. 27, 1998-Jan. 2, 1999:
- CatalogLink: FREE Catalogs!
- CatalogLink: request hundreds of your favorite catalogs FREE
- Ad Council: If you haven’t told your family you’re a donor, you’re not.
- Bonzi Software: Speed Up Your Internet Connection
- Office Max: Purchase an IBM Aptiva computer and receive up to $300 in rebates.
- Bonzi Software: Play Talking E-Mail
- CatalogLink: Holiday Alert: hundreds of FREE catalogs!
- Bonzi Software: Speed Boost Speed Up Your Internet Connection
- iMALL: CLICK NOW to shop online
- Intraware: FREE Services with Registration!