Nielsen Media Research Inc. and NetRatings Inc. launched a new service
called Nielsen//NetRatings for tracking and measuring Web audiences, combining
banner tracking with panel-based research.
The new service combines Internet user and banner tracking measurement
technology, and the highest-quality online research panel in the industry, the
companies said.
At launch, the Nielsen//NetRatings panel includes more than 9,000 users
providing data as they surf the Web, move within sites, and are exposed to ad
The new service tracks advertising-banner information such as audience
demographics, exposure of banner ads and how many users are clicking on the
ads, and can analyze competitors’ advertising campaigns. It also offers
competitive electronic-commerce statistics such as who is advertising online
and on what Web sites. And it offers information about how much money
advertisers are spending to target particular audiences.
The data represents the universe of people with home Internet access. The data
is collected on a “real-time” basis and sent to Nielsen//NetRatings via the
Internet as activity takes place. Aggregated information is available to
customers weekly, monthly or quarterly.
Nielsen//NetRatings is the first offering from a strategic alliance between
the companies that was announced in October 1998. Initial media customers
include, AltaVista, iVillage, TV Guide, The Weather Channel, USA
Today and Yahoo! Advertising
agency customers include: BBDO, Bates USA, Cox
Interactive Media, OgilvyOne and Starcom IP.