Nielsen//NetRatings said its
Internet research sample now has more than 14,000 members under measurement,
an increase of 6,000 in less than a month.
With the entire sample providing data via the Internet on a real-time basis
as panel members surf the Web, the Nielsen//NetRatings sample is about twice
the size of other research panels capable of providing such real-time
reporting, the company said.
The entire Nielsen//NetRatings panel is comprised of users selected using
random dial techniques. As a result, the data are projectable to the universe
of home-based Internet users.
Real-time data collection and processing allows Nielsen//NetRatings to
provide customers with information on a weekly as well as a monthly basis,
the company said. The service also can provide overnight analysis for special
events or breaking Internet advertising campaigns.
Reported audience information includes: unique audience size and demographic
profile of the unique audience, site rank, percent reach, page views, pages per
person, time per person and percent of pages from browser cache. Audience
demographics for each site include: age, gender, income, education, ethnicity
and occupation.