PC Data Launches Web Monitoring Service

Reston, VA-based PC Data launched @PCData, a Web
audience measurement tool that tracks the online habits of 24,000 people in
the U.S. and Canada.

PC Data said it expects that the number of participants will exceed 100,000
by fall. All data is available weekly, and will be updated on a daily basis
beginning in May, the company said.

PC Data recruits panel through television and online advertising and through
distribution of the @PCData tracking software at retail stores. The sample is
then weighted to mirror the Web population as portrayed in the most current
random digit dial Web population studies, the company said.

“This is just a beginning,” said PC Data President Ann Stephens. “PC Data
will soon track Web usage in corporations and schools, as well as track Web
behavior outside of North America. We will also differentiate AOL users
vs. those who go directly to the Web.”

Priced at $7,500 per year, the reports include a custom online survey of up
to 1,000 participants free of charge. @PCData Online Reports will track:
Web properties, Web sites, domains and categories; demographics including
gender, age, income levels, occupation and user type (home, business, school,
etc.); and statistics including unique users, frequency of visits, pages
viewed, secure pages viewed, time viewed (a.k.a. stickiness).

PC Data has been providing point-of-sale data since 1991, largely for
software and hardware sales information, supplying data to more than 800

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