PopMail.com, ACSSports.com Sign E-Mail Deal

E-mail marketing infrastructure player PopMail.com on Tuesday agreed to supply
its services to ACSSports.com, an
Internet services firm whose clients include the New York Mets, the New York Yankees, and the San Antonio Spurs.

PopMail will supply ACS Sports with the
company’s version of the ENN “permission marketing” e-mail service, which
allows companies to gather demographic information from people on their
e-mail lists, and lets firms send out specific, targeted, personalized and
customized messages.

“We will now be able to provide insightful and meaningful content to our
worthy fans, all based on their personalized interests,” said Gregg Mazzola,
director of content and affiliate relations for ACS Sports.

“This is a wonderful tool that allows for comments and feedback and will
allow us to reach fans like never before.”

Sports franchises, because of the unique relationship they have with fans,
are likely to find e-mail relationship management tools very important, as
fans increasingly look to the Internet for information about their favorite
team. ACSSports.com is taking advantage of that, building Web presences for
a variety of professional sports franchises.

Both the Mets and the Yankees databases are fairly new, but they are growing
rapidly. So far, 5,923 folks have registered for the Yankees database. It
has grown 70 percent in the last month, with around 2,000 people a week
being added. The Mets list includes 17,160 names, and is growing by around
1,000 registrants per week. Topics in which fans express interest include
merchandise information, ticket specials, sponsor information, and
promotional information.

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