Real Media launched World’s Interactive
Newspapers, a one-stop buy point for national newspapers around the
globe, starting with newspapers in Europe.
WIN offers advertisers the opportunity to reach high-end audiences across the
top 16 premium newspaper titles in 13 European countries. WIN North America,
Latin America, Asia and Global will follow.
The company said the program was created to help advertisers target high-end
consumers internationally. WIN gives advertisers the opportunity to reach
loyal newspaper readers in a trusted environment via their own language,
ultimately resulting in more effective campaigns, the company said.
With more than 100 million page impressions per month across Europe, WIN
offers advertisers access to a choice of advertising packages or the option
to have one specially designed. Advertisers can target by channel, page
position, search word, ISP, browser, gender, time of day, day of week, etc.
WIN Europe member newspapers include publications in Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and the UK.
Real Media, which markets the Open AdStream ad management technology,
operates a network of 600-plus sites, mostly newspapers.