A co-marketing agreement inked Thursday teams Yahoo! with e-financial services tools
maker Corillian in a bid to beef up
the portal’s Finance section.
The companies inked a deal by which Corillian will market Yahoo!’s online
account access service to financial institutions that currently use the
company’s Voyager eFinance application suite. The service would allow bank
and brokerage house customers to view their account information on Yahoo!
The deal is part of Yahoo!’s efforts to build up its site — especially its
personal finance section — into a one-stop shop for users.
The company in
recent months added functionality that allows consumers to pay their bills
online at Yahoo!’s site. It already featured portfolio tracking, news,
information, and stock message boards.
“We are constantly looking for ways to provide valuable services to our
users,” said Tim Sheehan, director of production, Yahoo! Finance.
agreement means that our users can have access to more financial
information on Yahoo! Finance, and through this, there is a more compelling
reason for other financial institutions to provide their services on Yahoo!”
Corillian’s Voyager suite enables financial institutions to support the
Open Financial Exchange (OFX) specification, which means customers can
interact with them from financial software applications and Web sites.