A Lean, Mean WISP Machine

Airpath Wireless, Inc., a privately held WiFi solutions company based in Toledo, Ohio, announced Friday that it has established three specific segments of its business: Airpath Internet, Airpath Roaming, and Airpath Integration. This, according to Airpath, is in line with its effort to grow a national hotspot footprint.

Airpath was mentioned in a Bear Stearns equity research report called iAppliances: Cordless Computing, as being one of the key players in the wireless services, or hotspot provider niche – along with names like Boingo, hereUare, BroadLink, GRIC, Wayport, and several others.

Airpath Internet is the company’s full service wireless ISP (WISP). The company stated that it is actively adding to its existing network to offer more connectivity to customers.

Airpath Roaming is the service segment designed to assist companies that own, or would like to own, hotspots, in becoming part of the Airpath wireless roaming network.

The third service segment is the company’s Airpath Integration unit. The company will design wireless solutions to implement a WLAN or connect existing locations.

Airpath Wireless, according to the Bear Stearns report, is the exclusive WISP for AirTrans Airways, installing and managing its WLAN in all of its terminals in 37 airports. Airpath uses Cisco Aironet products in the terminals. Project completion is expected to be in Summer, 2002.

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