PHILADELPHIA, PA — Today at the 802.11 Planet conference & Expo, mobile broadband network company MeshNetworks, the company behind technology to turn any wireless, mobile node into an extender of a wireless LAN thereby creating a “self-healing” peer-to-peer mesh, is teaming up with Troy, Michigan’s Delphi to create a test network in Delphi’s Kokomo, IN plant to try the technology for telematic (in car data and entertainment delivery) use.
Delphi’s test in Kokomo will support voice, data, and video feeds to and from the vehicle at WLAN broadband speed. Because the MeshNetworks QDMA technology has geo-location technology built in, using that capability for navigation and location awareness will be part of the telematic test. The two company’s engineers have already integrated the MeshNetworks technology successfully with Delphi’s development platform under both Linux and Windows.
Delphi’s Electronics and Mobile Communication division is already under way making a telematic, in-car, 802.11b-based product called CommuniPort for availability in 2004 and has previously demonstrated use of WLAN technology for sending audio data files to vehicles.