Akamai Optimizes Networks with Situational Performance

Akamai’s network already optimizes traffic over what the regular public Internet delivery system provides. The idea with Aqua Ion is to go deeper in an effort to provide the best user experience across any device, application or network situation.

“What we’re introducing with Aqua Ion is a layer of optimization so when we are delivering content for our customers we are optimizing the payload for the browser, device, connection speed and the situational requirements,” M.J. Johnson, director of product marketing for Akamai’s Aqua solutions line, told EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet.

Johnson noted that Aqua Ion is a situational performance solution that enhances Akamai existing edge caching and acceleration approach.

In terms of how Aqua Ion improves connections, Johnson said that Akamai has an entire catalog of front end optimization that they will use on a request by request basis. Those optimizations include transcoding to reduce the size of images and objects. JavaScript can be optimized through asynchronous execution or by deferring or offloading JavaScript.

“So there is transformation logic that we can apply in the network, “Johnson said. “There is also the ability to observe the performance of the network itself.”

As such, when Aqua Ion sees the throughput decreasing for a particular connection, Akamai provides its customers with the ability to choose how much they want to modify their data to accommodate the decreased throughput.

Read the full story at EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet:
Akamai Aqua Ion Provides Situational Performance for Network Optimization

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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