Centurion Wireless Technologies of Lincoln, NE has made upgrades to its super-small Bluechip antenna so it will support not just the 2.4-2.5GHz bands used by 802.11b, but also the 5.1-5.8GHz spectrum of 802.11a, as well.
The antenna also supports Bluetooth and HyperLAN wireless networks, and operates within the Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII), the 5-GHz bands that are reserved for unlicensed use, a relatively unused area with more spectrum space than the over-crowed 2.4GHz ISM.
Bluechip is a lightweight, internal antenna suitable for use in OEM products. It has high-gain omni-directional performance at >2.0 dBi, can be mounted either vertically or horizontally in a product, and comes with a PCB surface mount. OEMs can get the antenna chips in either reel or tape packaging.
The chip is available now direct from Centurion.