Cox Cable Seen Building Cellular Network

Cox plans own cellular network: report
Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:00am EDT

Cable provider Cox Communications is expected to announce later on Monday that it plans to have its own cellular network up and running next year, the Los Angeles Times said.

The company plans to build its own network in its cable service area and partner with Sprint Nextel Corp for roaming calls outside those areas, the paper said.

Wireless phone service will add to Cox’s video, phone and Internet services to head off competition from phone companies such as AT&T Inc and Verizon Communications Inc, which already have wireless service, the paper said.

Cox was accused by Verizon Communications of infringing six patents related to Internet telephony, but a U.S. jury, earlier this month, ruled against Verizon on all six patents.

Cox could not be immediately reached for comment by Reuters.

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