Ali Kafel, director of product marketing at Extreme Networks, told Enterprise Networking Planet that his company’s SDN solution includes two deployment models for SDN.
One of the models is based on an Open Northbound API with predefined 3rd party products that are already supported and where Extreme already has several customers deployed. The other model is based on a Southbound API inclusive of and beyond the open-source OpenFlow protocol.
With the new SDN 2.0 announcement, Extreme has added support for several new vendors’ products that include: vSphere 5.5 support, McAfee ePO, LightSpeed and Fibrelink Mass360. Kafel said that the new vendor integrations come on top of over 25 that were already available.
Read the full story at EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet:
Extreme Networks Debuts SDN 2.0 Architecture
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.