ICANN Set to Reveal New Top Level Domains

Currently there are only 22 TLDs, including the well known .com,.net and .org. 

On June 13th, ICANN will for the first time publicly reveal the new names that could one day become Top Level Domains. It’s a process that will yield thousands of new Generic Top Level Domains to the Internet.

One of the many groups applying for new gTLDs is Donuts Inc. While the name might sound whimsical, Donuts Inc is a serious business and has raised $100 million in venture capital to fund its gTLD efforts. With that money in hand, Donuts has applied for 307 gTLDs in total. As to how Donuts went about selecting the 307 domains, Mason Cole, VP Communication at Donuts told InternetNewsthat they had a pretty rigorous process that was some art and some science.

“We evaluated about 3,000 potential TLDs and using a lot of analytics and research, narrowed it to 307,” Cole said.

Donuts is not however yet disclosing the list of names that they applied for. Google on the other hand is also applying for new gTLDs and they have publicly disclosed what some of those names are.

Google has applied for names related to their business including the .google and .youtube domain. As well they have applied for at least one whimsical name, with .lol.


Read the full story at EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet:
New Top Level Domains Set to Be Revealed

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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