Today Intel formally announced the successor to Crystal Forest, Highland Forest. Steve Price, GM of Intel’s Communications Infrastructure Division, explained that Highland Forest is built with Intel’s Xeon E5-2600 Ivy Bridge CPU combined with the new Coleto Creek chipset. Highland Forest delivers 20 cores of 2.4 GHz Ivy Bridge chips as part of the platform.
Price said that the new Highland Forest approach provides two to six times better performance than the previous generation of Crystal Forest platforms. Highland Forest can deliver up to 255 million packets per second of performance for regular traffic. When it comes to encrypted traffic, Highland Forest also shines, with support for up to 110 Gbps of IPsec and 200 Gbps of SSL traffic.
Read the full story at Enterprise Networking Planet:
Intel Accelerating Networking Efforts with Highland Forest
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.