BOSTON. For better or for worse, when I think JBoss I think – Java.
In the open JBoss keynote at the Red Hat Summit this week, Mark Little the CTO for Red Hat’s JBoss explained why JBoss is more than just Java today.
But don’t get me wrong – Java is still at the center – but according to Little, it’s not my ‘father’s’ Java anymore. This is a lightweight Java that is faster and can be embedded on resource constrained devices. Apparently JBoss Application Server 7 can be deployed on an Android phone.
“We don’t do small just for the PR, though the PR is nice,” Little said. “We think if we can make our app platform run well on a Raspberry Pi imagine how well it will run on a typical server.”
On the ‘more than Java front – Little detailed something called Vert.Xwhich is JBoss’ answer to node.js – that is an async app platform that will run with any number of languages including JavaScript, Ruby, Python and yes Java too.
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.