The new QFX5100 Top-of-Rack switch includes the recently released Broadcom Trident 2 chipset. Dasgupta said that Juniper is also running an Intel Sandy Bridge chip alongside the Trident, providing a hardware abstraction layer for the new switch. The QFX5100 can run multiple versions of the Juniper JUNOS network operating system at the same time, enabling in-service updates as well as future security isolation features.
From a bare metal perspective, the QFX5100 will work with a Linux operating system running the KVM virtualization hypervisor. This allows multiple Junos images to run inside a KVM virtual machine.
Read the full story at Enterprise Networking Planet:
Juniper Networks Debuts MetaFabric and Updates Switches
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.