Learn Linux for Free with new Course

The open-source Linux operating system is freely available to those who want to use it, but finding good sources of training for Linux has not always been as free. In a move to further enable more people to get Linux training, the Linux Foundation is now opening up its education efforts.

The Linux Foundation is now working with edX to build a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for Linux training. EdX is a nonprofit online learning platform started by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2012.

Amanda McPherson, vice president of marketing and developer programs at the Linux Foundation, told eWEEK that edX was a natural choice for her organization.

Read the full story at eWEEK:
Linux Intro Course Available Online for Free

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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