Meraki Makes Changes

Meraki has unveiled its new Website, now live. Along with the new look and feel at the site, the young, San Francisco-based Wi-Fi networking solutions provider has released new product and pricing details.

“We decided tweak to our product mix,” says Sanjit Biswas, Meraki President and co-founder.

Currently, Meraki offers two main hardware options, the Meraki Indoor ($149) and the Meraki Outdoor ($199). Both function as a wireless mesh access point, a gateway, and a repeater. Meraki describes the Indoor as being “the central building block for any Meraki network.” The Outdoor is more powerful and features a rugged construction suitable for outdoor deployments.

All Meraki hardware ships with integrated hosting services. The Pro edition includes it for free—the cost is bundled into the overall price of the hardware; pricing for the Carrier edition varies. The less-expensive ad-supported version is still available for purchase, but will no longer be advertised at the site.

“We’ve had an ad-supported product and our Pro product,” says Biswas, who took a break from his PhD program at MIT to launch the company. “What we’re finding is that 80-90 percent [of our customers] are going to the Pro product. The ad-supported version will be available, but you have to call and ask. Most people—at the price point that we’re offering—it’s worth it to go with the $150 product.”

The Pro version appeals to both segments of Meraki’s customer case, says Biswas.

“Businesses prefer full control,” he says. “The other customer base that we’re seeing is deploying Wi-Fi across whole towns, and they also prefer the Pro product.”

Currently, Meraki has customers in 125 countries. The privately held company is backed in part by Google and Sequoia Capital.

For more on Meraki, read:

 Naomi Graychase is Wi-Fi Planet Managing Editor. She is based in Western Massachusetts.

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