Mile-High Wireless Coverage

USURF America, a fixed-wireless Internet Service Provider located in Denver, CO, is announcing that it has new rights to use the 80-foot tall tower on top of its headquarters in the Wells Fargo Bank Building in the southwest suburb of Englewood.

Using that tower, the company will soon have in place a mega-cell site that can provide wireless connectivity to any business in a 10-mile radius.

Phil Allen at USURF America says it’s a win-win for the company to have a tower on top of its own headquarters for demonstration purposes as well as customer fulfillment. “We’re in the Wells Fargo building, and investors like to touch and feel the product, it’s so compelling,” says Allen. “It’s a dual opportunity and dual strategy to also attract new investment and customers.”

Last month, USURF announced an agreement to provide high-speed wireless to the Colorado Springs, CO, area customers of SunWest Communications, using SunWest’s infrastructure and marketing leads.

Ultimately, hooking up with similar partners is how USURF thinks they should expand.

“We’ve got our own direct marketing group,” says Allen regarding attracting customers to its new Denver service area, “but we’ll [continue to] look to leverage partners like SunWest. We hope to work with partners to go after their customer base: Those with existing telco or PBX customers that can’t get traditional wireline [broadband].”

USURF is the creator of the proprietary technology called Quick-Cell, which is used in its family of Wi-Fi based fixed-wireless infrastructure products. End user locations need to mount a 4-inch by 4-inch flat panel antenna outside their building or in a window, and connect it to an a PC or the network. The standard access speed is 256kbps, but can go as high as 6Mbps.

“We are agnostic about spectrum,” says Allen, “so we’re going to see more and more choices, which only adds tools to the tool belt.”

USURF was founded in Baton Rouge, LA, as a dial-up ISP. They recently moved to Denver after a management change when CEO Doug McKinnon took charge — the new management and capital investors are from that area.

Eric Griffith is the managing editor of 802.11 Planet.

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