Mozilla’s New Firefox Logo is a lot like the old Firefox Logo

Firefox Logo newFrom the ‘subtle differences’ files:

The Mozilla Foundation is rolling out a new logo for Firefox — but it’s likely something that few people will actually notice.

The difference between the ‘old’ logo and the new one is very, very subtle changes that are about optimizing the logo for mobile.

The revised logo is simpler in terms of detail and color so it works well at both small and large sizes.

“Although we think it looks great at any size, it’s been optimized to be crisper and cleaner on small screens and lower resolution devices,” Mozilla developer John Slater wrote. ” However, it also scales quite nicely for use in retina displays, and (unlike previous versions) can be accurately recreated in SVG so it’s more ‘of the Web’”

Mozilla designer Sean Martell provides a 6-step key to all the differences between the oldfirefox logo and the new one. Personally, I didn’t notice all 6 – without Martell’s blog assistance.

“A final touch that you may notice in the new logo (and one that makes me very happy) is the arm of the fox now extends from a shoulder instead of layering behind his chest 6. It’s a small detail, but it really seems to unify the form of the fox and make him feel more cohesive a brand element. So there it is. Not a logo redesign, but a simplification in form and function. “

I use Firefox every day, and while I know the logo, the default view I have of the browser is not one that includes the logo at all.

I use Firefox as my view into the web and it’s not one that has Firefox’s logo splattered all over my interface — which is just the way i like it. Firefox gets out of the way and let’s me experience the web.

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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