Unstrung.com is reporting that Mobility Network Systems of San Jose, Calif., has gone out of business, due to lack of funding.
As of a check today, the company’s Web site at www.mobilitynetworks.com is no longer up.
Mobility Networks was working on tools for converging Wi-Fi and cellular networks. They company had in the past added 802.11 features to the 2.5G/3G GPRS network run by Canada’s Rogers AT&T Wireless, unified client connection management software in Sierra Wireless AirCard PC Cards to provide SIM authentication, and had recently begun a partnership with Nortel Networks.
Unstrung says the company, originally called mDiversity when begun in 1999, ran out of its $30 million in first round funding and could not raise any more. There’s no word yet on availability or sale of Mobility Network’s intellectual property assets.