The open source PostgreSQL 9.2 database is being officially released today, providing database administrators with new levels of scalability and performance.
“This year for the first time thanks to HP, EnterpriseDB and the University of California at Berkeley, we’ve been able to test PostgreSQL on bigger machines,” Josh Berkus PostgreSQL core team member told DatabaseJournal. “These are machines with half a terabyte of RAM and 64 cores.”
As a result, the new PostgreSQL 9.2 release is now able to scale far beyond what the PostgreSQL 9.1and prior releases were able to accomplish.
With PostgreSQL 9.1 the top end of scalability was approximately 24 cores and 75,000 transactions per second. In contrast PostgreSQL 9.2 can now scale up to 64 cores and 350,000 transactions per second.
“We’re talking really dramatic performance differences rather than the usual ten or twenty percent better,” Berkus said.
Read the full story at DatabaseJournal:
PostgreSQL 9.2 Scales Open Source Database Operations
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.