Open Source Zend Framework 2.2 Brings PHP to OpenStack Cloud

From the ‘PHP on Python’ files:

I’ve been tracking the Zend Framework since 2005when Zend co-founder Andi Gutmanszend framework first launched the effort as a sort-of PHP middleware effort.

Over the years, Zend Framework has grown and this week, Zend Framework 2.2 is being officially released. This latest Zend Framework has lots of goodness in it, but for me one thing stands out – OpenStack support.

OpenStack has emerged to become a cloud standard platform in recent years with major IT vendors including, IBM, HP, Dell and Cisco all embracing the open source cloud platform. OpenStack itself is written in Python – but now thanks to Zend Framework 2.2, PHP devs might feel a bit more welcome.

The ZendService_OpenStack, extends the long Zend Framework tradition of enabling APIs on web platforms.

“The goal of this component is to simplify the usage of OpenStack in PHP, providing a simple object oriented interface to its API services. This component is based on ZendService_Api, giving us a flexible way to update the HTTP specification with the future API versions.”

The addition of OpenStack is three years after Microsoft Azure was added in Zend Framework 1.10(but then again zend has a strategic relationship with Microsoft and OpenStack after all is only three years old..).

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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