Sunnyvale, CA-based MRG (Multimedia Research Group) has co-published a report with Fuji-Keizai USA of New York City entitled “U.S. Wireless LAN Market Competition and Forecasts.” It looks at the market trends, vendors and standards for wireless LANs (local area networks), MANs (metropolitan area networks) and PANs (personal area networks) in the United States.
Standards they examine include Bluetooth, HyperLAN, HomeRF, even IrDA (Infrared), and of course all current flavors of 802.11. Based on market size projections, the report pegs 802.11b as the technology that will stay in the current leader for corporate and home WLANs.
The report digs into a number of individual 802.11b product suppliers (Symbol, Proxim, Cisco, etc.) and chip set vendors (RF Solutions, Intersil), as well as vendors for 802.11a, 802.11g, IrDA, Bluetooth, and others. It also delves into the market strategies of wireless service providers like Boingo, Air2LAN, HereUare, Surf and Sip, and others; it also include case studies on MobileStars descent into bankruptcy and how Wayport implements its wireless infrastructure.
The report is 130 pages, costs $1845, and can be ordered at the MRG Web site.