SAP doesn’t run a plain vanilla version of SLES, but rather uses a special version called SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications. SUSE has updated that platform with a new release that brings the platform up to the same service pack level as the rest of SUSE’s customer base. SLES SP2 was first released in March of this year, with a Linux 3.0 kernel and the next generation Btrfs filesystem.
Layering in on top of the SP2 features, the SAP enhanced version includes an SAP installation wizard as well as open source Clam Anti-Virus support. As to why there is a delay between a regular SUSE release and thE SAP enhanced release, that’s something SUSE is working on. Jan Weber, SUSE product marketing manager explained to Enterprise Apps Today that the SAP version also bundles in a high-availability module.
“On top of that we include the installation wizard and other enhancements for SAP,” Weber said. “So it takes some time in between releases, though we are now working on reducing the amount of time to get the releases closer together.”
One of the other key enhancements that the SAP version of SLES provides is an improved Page Caching feature. Weber explained that the caching features enable SAP administrators to set a hard limit for the amount of page cache that is used for I/O operation that is important for memory intensive workloads.
The Clam A/V integration is another key new addition. Weber noted that adding in antivirus support was a request that was driven from SAP’s user base.
Read the full story at EnterpriseAppsToday:
SUSE Advances Linux for SAP Applications
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.