Say What? Top 5 IT Quotes of the Week

“Through this effort, we show our commitment to the open source community”

Tomas Ulin, vice president for MySQL Engineering at Oracle, talking about the new MySQL 5.7 milestone release (DatabaseJournal)

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They have been creating enemies and we have been making friends.”

Brocade CEO Lloyd Carney talking about Cisco (EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet)

“We need to think about how we’re actually making the sausage”

Red Hat Fedora Linux Project Manager Robyn Bergeron (eWEEK)

“We can process data at ungodly speeds”

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison unveiling his companies new in-memory database capabilities (ServerWatch)

“As enterprises are looking to deploy new workloads, obviously, the choice is Windows or Linux now, and we believe we’re winning a lot larger share of those”

Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst (Datamation)

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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