Silver Peak Aims to Accelerate Storage Mirroring with Velocity

This week Silver Peak launched its Velocity initiative in an effort to make it easier and faster for storage replication users to benefit from WAN optimization. Silver Peak Velocity initially is being targeted at NetApp SnapMirror users, though other replication systems will be supported in future releases.

“We have had a strong track record of optimizing storage replication for our customers, but traditionally that has required some co-operation between the storage and networking folks,” Rick Tinsley, CEO of Silver Peak Systems told EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet . “With Velocity we’re enabling autonomous usage by the storage department.”

Silver Peak has a portfolio of hardware and software appliances for WAN optimization. Prior to Velocity, a Silver Peak appliance would have to be custom configured with scripts to properly enable acceleration for storage mirroring.

With Velocity, Silver Peak is delivering a pre-configured and optimized software appliance that is all about accelerating storage replication. Tinsley explained that configuration is as simple as pointing the SnapMirror systems at both ends of the replication path, to Silver Peak Velocity instances.

The Velocity system leverages Silver Peak’s Virtual Acceleration Open Architecture (VXOA)that was first announced in July of 2011. Tinsley explained that his company is always making improvements to VXOA and Velocity is based on the same core code.

Read the full story at EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet:
Silver Peak Velocity Aims to Ease Network Storage Acceleration

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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