Relying on traditional spinning disk-based database platforms isn’t always what is required for modern application deployment. It’s a challenge that VMware is aiming to solve with its new Gemfire 7.0 release.
“With Gemfire, we are focused on enabling the next generation of applications that require an in-memory approach for the data tier, David McJannet, VMware’s director of Cloud and Application Services, told Database Journal.
Gemfire is a standalone in-memory data grid technology that can in some cases replace a traditional database. McJannet said that as performance demands on applications grow, increasing volumes of data are moving to an in-memory approach. VMware acquired the Gemfire in-memory technology in 2010.
McJannet noted that Gemfire can also be used as a distributed caching layer for existing database technology, including VMware’s version of the PostgreSQL database.
“Your data may sleep in a database, but it lives in memory,” McJannet said.
Read the full story at Database Journal:
VMware Gemfire 7 Scales In-Memory Data Grid
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.