From the ‘Nothing Lasts Forever…’ files:
Open-source projects come and go all the time. In the Apache world though there is a prescribed process by which the ‘going’ happens that is somewhat unique in the world of open-source software development.
Apache has an archived place for ‘dead’ projects known as the Attic and the latest project to move there is Apache Click. Click is a project that literally never really ‘clicked’ with users/developers and was an effort to build (yet another) JavaEE web application framework.
“The user mailing list, website, downloads and issue tracker all remain open, though the issue tracker is read-only. See the website at for more information on Click,” the Apache Click site states. “As with any project in the Attic – if you should choose to fork Click outside of Apache, please let us know so we can link to your project.”
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist