WildPackets Omnipeek 6.8 Delivers IPv6 Traffic Forensics

Getting proper visibility into IPv6 traffic flows however isn’t an easy task as traffic is often tunneled with IPv4 traffic as well in dual-stack deployments where traffic flows over both IPv4 and IPv6 address space.

An updated solution from network visibility vendor WildPackets is aiming to solve that problem. Wild Packets new Omnipeek 6.8 release now provides visibility and analysis into IPv6 traffic, enabling network administrator to diagnose traffic flows for performance optimization.

“We could see IPv6 traffic before, but what we did not support was IPv6 using our expert analysis system,” Tony Barbagallo, vice president of Marketing at WildPackets told InternetNews.com. “The expert analysis is a dashboard that gives plain English views of events about what is going on.”

Barbagallo noted that most of WildPackets customers rely on the expert dashboard for traffic analysis, instead of just attempting to parse the packet payload on a line-by-line basis. With the expert dashboard, an administrator can drill in and see what the root cause is for a particular anomaly. The system has a packet visualizer as well to see the time differential between the packet sender and receiver. The full IPv6 visibility also now extends into applications such as VoIP traffic. The effort to fully support IPv6 required WildPacket to do some rewriting of the Omnipeek internals.

Read the full story at EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet:
WildPackets Peeks at IPv6

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

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