Voice-over-IP integrator IP Blue Monday introduced a wireless LAN product that connects users of Compaq iPAQ handhelds to the Internet and provides them with telephony capabilities.
The company’s VTGO is a component of IP Blue’s Virtual Terminal – Application Link and Launch (VT-ALL) suite of products. The product is integrated with Cisco’s CallManager and is designed to be a component of Cisco’s AVVID architecture, which integrates IP-based communications into a single infrastructure. VTGO uses Cisco’s proprietary SCCP protocol to manage call control and is designed to work with Cisco’s Aironet wireless 802.llb network technology.
The end result is that, in a Cisco environment WLAN and VoIP environment, VTGO enables a Compaq iPAQ to connect to the Internet and work like a wireless phone, according to the company. IP Blue provided no availability or pricing information.