August 2002 Netcraft Survey Highlights

The Netcraft Web Server Survey is a
survey of Web Server software usage on the Internet. Netcraft received responses to its
August 2002 survey from 35,991,815 sites. This is a dip from June’s peak of 38.8 million and July’s low of 37.2 million sites.

Not surprisingly, Apache, Microsoft, Zeus, and iPlanet remained the key players with shares of 63.51 percent, 25.39 percent, 2.13 percent, and 1.35 percent, respectively. The number of servers increased across the board for all of the key players except Microsoft.

NT-specific servers accounted for 25.64 percent, a decrease from the previous month’s 32.11 percent. Apache-specific servers accounted for 65.14 percent, and increase from July’s 59.18 percent. Macintosh-specific servers increased minimally from 0.32 to 0.33 percent.

Of the servers surveyed, 17,020,981, or 47.29 percent, had .com domains.

August Results
Server No. of
Servers in Use
Market Share No. of Servers
With .com domains
Apache 22,859,123 63.51% 9,879,105
Microsoft-IIS 9,139,060 25.39% 5,223,258
Zeus 765,074 2.13% 397,735
Unknown 505,667 1.40% 267,956
Netscape-Enterprise 471,405 1.31% 209,706
Rapidsite 427,937 1.19% 289,273
thttpd 348,603 0.97% 2,236
tigershark 267,999 0.74% 197,960
WebSTAR 106,252 0.30% 58,387
Lotus Domino 76,100 0.21% 29,024
WebSitePro 58,582 0.16% 32,375
Stronghold 51,580 0.14% 33,690
WebSite 28,161 0.08% 16,174
WN 22,786 0.06% 4,426
SilverStream 17,419 0.05% 1,789
Netscape FastTrack Server 11,256 0.03% 4,535
Zope 9,681 0.03% 2,969
Enterprise for NetWare 8,382 0.02% 2,407
Sambar 7,516 0.02% 3,723
Roxen WebServer 7,391 0.02% 3,423
AOLServer 6,072 0.02% 3,981
Orion 5,455 0.02% 3,699
Xitami 5,270 0.01% 3,175
NCSA HTTPd 5,086 0.01% 1,208
WebLogic 4,952 0.01% 3,618
OmniHTTPd Pro 3,574 0.01% 1,056
SimpleServer:WWW 394 0 215
Personal Web Server 244 0 48
Savant 233 0 114
Tcl Web Server 87 0 39
Jigsaw 58 0 22
vqServer 57 0 31
GoAhead 41 0 23
ZBServer 41 0 12

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