Enterprises routinely cite security concerns when explaining their reluctance to move to the cloud. As a result, service providers are increasingly looking to prove the reliability of their services with certifications, such as PCI-DSS (data security standard).
And Amazon’s EC2 platform has done just that, locking up PCI-DSS 2.0 compliance, providing potential enterprise clients with a welcome assurance of the maturity of the platform. CIO Update takes a look.
For any enterprise that deals with transaction payment systems, PCI-DSS (data security standard) is a critical certification for compliance. Achieving PCI-DSS compliance in the cloud is a relatively new concept and one that is just now beginning to blossom with Amazon EC2.
Amazon has announced that its EC2 service is now PCI-DSS 2.0 compliant, providing users with a degree of assurance that the Amazon cloud is a secured platform for transactions. Amazon’s new PCI compliance is directly related to new specifications in the PCI-DSS 2.0 standard, which were officially announced at the end of October. With PCI-DSS 2.0 new language in the standard makes cloud based PCI compliance a practical reality and one that could lead to further adoption of the cloud for mission critical operations.