According to the 2014 Trustwave State of Risk report, 63 percent of organizations today do not have a fully mature method to control and track sensitive data.
“That means many businesses do not know where their valuable data lives, who has access to it and where it moves,” Phil Smith, senior vice president of Government Solutions and Special Investigations at Trustwave, told eWEEK. “That kind of information is the first step in building a security strategy.”
If an organization doesn’t know what its valuable data is and where it exists, then how can the company be expected to protect that data? Smith asked. So, he said, the first component of a risk assessment should be identifying where sensitive data is in an organization. Businesses should know what sensitive data is present, where it is located, where it moves to and who has access to it.
Read the full story at eWEEK:
Most Organizations Don’t Properly Secure Sensitive Data, Report Finds
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.