In the mythos of information security, this week is like no other. The Black Hat and DEF CON conferences again descend on Las Vegas, making us all more secure by exposing the insecurity of the world around us.
As the general manager of Black Hat, Trey Ford sits at the summit of the epic event with a vantage point on what’s coming. Ford told eSecurity Planet that this year the two-day Black Hat event will pack in 130 presentations.
“You’ve got about 103 hours of content so there is a wide array of topics,” Ford said. “Last year, we had nine rooms running simultaneously, and this year we’ve expanded that to 11.”
‘Sexy’ Zero-day Disclosures
Highlights include a public appearance by the head of the National Security Agency (NSA), attacks against infrastructure and operating systems and more zero-day vulnerability disclosures than at any other two-day point in the entire year. Black Hat conference uses a detailed process to select speakers, though the availability of tools as well as zero-day exploit disclosures are important drivers.
Read the full story at eSecurity Planet:
Black Hat 2013 Preview: All Things Must Be Hacked
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.