Blue Coat is set to accelerate its plans for growth over the course of this year, thanks in part to its acquisition by Bain Capital.
“Bain acquired us not to change direction but to accelerate it,” Mike Fey, President and COO of Blue Coat said.
While Blue Coat has its own technology assets, it also works in partnership with other vendors, including Lastline, to enable even more threat detection capabilities. Blue Coat’s Content Analysis System (CAS) enables the use of any inspection tool that an organization wants to use, as part of a broader defense-in-depth strategy.
“Our partners and our competitors can plug into CAS,” Fey said. “So when you use a Blue Coat device, it can funnel off any suspicious activity to a series of partners to review.”
Read the full story at eWEEK:
Blue Coat Enhances Its Security Intelligence Platform
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.