Spam accounts for more than 90 percent of all e-mails sent every second of every minute around the world and, according to security software vendor Sophos, enterprising hackers from every corner of the world are getting in on the action.
What may be surprising to some people is that China has actually decreased its spam production in the past year, falling to No. 15 in the worldwide rankings while other Asia countries such as Vietnam and South Korea are on the come.
Not surprisingly, the U.S. still holds a commanding lead in the spam game—accounting for more than 13 percent of all unsolicited pitches for Viagra, con jobs and any number of pharmaceuticals.
eSecurity Planet reviews the so-called “Dirty Dozen” list of spam-producing countries and examines what these geographical trends portend for Internet users and enterprises looking to safeguard their data.
China is the undisputed leader in targeted malware attacks but, according to Sophos first quarter spam report, it’s no longer among the world’s largest producers of spam.
The Sophos report points the crooked finger of blame directly at Uncle Sam when it comes to spam, pegging the U.S. as the origination of more than 13 percent of the world’s unsolicited come-ons for Viagra and other similar missives.
China? It didn’t even make the so-called “Dirty Dozen,” falling to No. 15 with only a 1.9 percent share of the spam pie.