Google’s revelation early this year that it had been the target of a series of sophisticated cyber attacks it believed originated in China, highlighted the need for improved cybersecurity. Even top U.S. government officials have since admitted our cyber defenses can’t always keep up the bad guys.
A new Unisys-sponsored survey shows a majority of American’s feel the government should have the authority to broadly limit Internet access if such a move is needed to defend against a cyber attack. As eSecurity Planet reports, the survey also included some surprising results related to consumer’s security habits and the threat that keeps one Unisys security executive up at night.
Cyber warfare may seem more the focus of science fiction movies and relatively obscure Congressional panels, but a new survey indicates most Americans take the threat of cyber attacks seriously.
In the latest Unisys (NYSE: UIS) Security Index released Wednesday, 61 percent of Americans surveyed said they would support giving the government the authority to use an Internet “kill switch” that would cut off access to the Internet in response to a cyber attack.